Being In A Relationship With An Addict: Can It Be Healthy? Learn More

Can you stay in a relationship with an addict?

An enabler can best change their behaviors by detaching and entering their own recovery program to uncover why it is they feel the need to enable and what they are receiving from helping another person. Prior to the intervention, the family tells us they can not take it anymore, and the addict is incapable of telling the truth. Three days after the intervention, the family is screaming at us that their loved one just called with a laundry list of complaints about the facility, and what they are saying is 100% true. Families just can’t let go of those reactions and find it impossible to detach. One of the biggest challenges we professionals have comes after the intervention and when the addict has accepted help and enters treatment.

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Addicts may also engage in risky or illegal behaviors that will have an impact on their partner, and they tend to have no inhibitions when it comes to things like having relationships outside of their primary relationship. With drug addiction and relationships, regardless of the specific situation, there is no priority greater for the addict than the drug or the substance they use. The destruction of addiction is far-reaching, and it impacts all of the people around the addict. There are a few different scenarios where you might wonder what it’s like being in a relationship with an addict, or whether or not it’s possible to have a relationship with an addict. The first could be if you were already in a relationship with a person before they were an addict, and now they’re in the midst of addiction.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Conditions

That said, there may be things that the addict has said or done with children that are unsettling to them. If that is the case then, once again, the child’s perception of something upsetting needs to be validated rather than denied. If you have younger children they don’t have to know anything about the sexual aspect of the problems between you and your spouse.

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Research from 2018 suggests codependency could stem from early childhood experiences. Fear of abandonment can make it feel like any relationship is better than being alone. And if you feel this way, it can be harder to break off a relationship even when you know it might not be the right choice for you. Recovery begins with the end of denial—the recognition of the addiction. Some have come with depression, rage, and physical symptoms that they do not recognize as signs of impairment from the relationship. Some have come to enlist my help in changing the other—essentially in making the addiction work.

The addict has a right to use substances, and you have the right to detach and stop enabling the behaviors and addiction. It is always helpful to set healthy boundaries and provide them with effective professional resources. Letting them know that you would be happy to discuss things with them after they are in treatment. If you experience symptoms of love addiction, you can try the following self-soothing and coping strategies.

  • This isn’t to say that you should excuse lying, only that you should understand where it’s coming from so you can take it a little less personally and avoid getting sidetracked by pain and resentment.
  • According to a 2021 study, certain stages of romantic love can cause an experience that resembles withdrawal.
  • It also allows the enabling Martyr to remain a victim and gain empathy and sympathy from others.
  • Psychotherapy or talk therapy is often the first treatment for love addiction, but its efficacy has not been adequately investigated.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you’re harboring suspicions, it’s certainly worth looking into – not just for your well-being but for the health and safety of your addicted partner. Once you’ve identified how you are enabling the addict, you can start setting boundaries and outline consequences. Then, one of the only real actions you can take to help an addict is to stage an intervention and arrange for them to go to treatment. People with addiction disorders may also become abusive, physically and emotionally.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5™ (5th ed.)

Can you stay in a relationship with an addict?

But again, since love “addiction” doesn’t represent an actual addiction, these symptoms can’t be compared to the experience of true withdrawal from a substance you physically depend on. Addictive substances, including alcohol, nicotine, loving an addict and many recreational drugs, trigger the release of a feel-good brain chemical called dopamine, and evidence suggests love can do the same. Do you mostly only feel positive emotions when in love or with a significant other?

Can you stay in a relationship with an addict?

Can you stay in a relationship with an addict?

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